Renalda Samolitis, Location Manager
Renalda "Re" is the manager for Quad Cities Pet Cremation and Weerts Funeral Home. She enjoys spending time with her family and especially her beloved Black Lab, Brynley. Her care and compassion for Weerts families extends to the level of service and care provided to Quad Cities Pet Families.
Mark Cannon, Pet Care Coordinator
Mark and his family relocated to the Quad Cities in 2004. Mark and his wife Terri enjoy spending time with their nine children. In addition to his pastoral duties, Mark is a Chaplain for the Bettendorf Police Department and assists with funeral services at Weerts funeral home. Mark and his family are pet parents to two short hair domestic cats and two pure bred Australian Shepherds.
Donnie Collins, Pet Care Coordinator
Donnie has been a lifelong resident of the Quad Cities and volunteers his time helping various organizations throughout. He enjoys spending time with his family and listening to Country Western Music. He is a pet owner of Alaskan Malamutes and Siberian Huskies.
Ron (in loving memory)